NUUK, GREENLAND – 21st July 2024
On the morning of Sunday, Captain Paul Watson, co-founder of marine conservation Greenpeace, founder of Sea Shepherd and the Captain Paul Watson Foundation (CPWF), was arrested when over a dozen Danish police and SWAT team members boarded the M/Y John Paul DeJoria as soon as it made port in Nuuk, Greenland. Captain Watson, on board his 72-meter flagship the M/Y JOHN PAUL DEJORIA stopped to refuel in Greenland with 25 volunteer crew while heading to the North-West Passage and then down into the Pacific on ‘Operation Kangei Maru’ - a mission to intercept and block Japan’s newly launched factory whaling ship. “We came here, and arrested Paul Watson due to an international arrest order from Japan”, stated the leader of the Danish federal police boarding party of 14 officers at the time of the arrest. The crew were given no further information at the time of the arrest.
The garment Features the hashtag FREEPAULWATSON with underneath.
Buying this garment helps us support Paul and most importantly allows us to carry on our vital work to help Paul's lifelong goal of defending marine wildlife.